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Stuart has been taking photos ever since being bought his first camera by his Uncle who was a lifelong amateur photographer.


While studying on a engineering technicians course at West Oxfordshire Technical College (now Abingdon & Witney College), he enrolled on a photography course as a general study and learnt the basics of exposure, shutter speed and aperture along with printing and developing mono chrome film. Up until recently most of the images Stuart took were of his family growing up and the usual holiday snaps and record shots. 


Shortly after this, the Nikon D70 was superseded by a Nikon D810 and a couple of used professional quality lenses bought. Photoshop Elements 13 was the post processing software used at the time and Stuart enrolled on a correspondents’ course with the Institute of Photography for both digital photography and using post processing software. The course was structured in a way that students would undergo learning exercises which were followed by practical tasks that were critiqued by the tutor before moving on to the next section.

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Stuart became a member of Witney Photo Group a local club of enthusiastic amateur photographers who get together every week to help and encourage photographers of all abilities to improve and display their work. Stuart believes it is since becoming a member of WPG that the greatest improvement has been made to his photography thanks mainly to their help and encouragement.



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